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Note Q.1.
Why are your products so cheap? Are they of inferior quality?
Q.1. Why are your products so cheap? Are they of inferior quality? A.1. No, quite the contrary in fact. The reason why our products are cheap by comparison with the others on the market is just the fact that we are not currently so well know! We have therefore set our prices lower to encourage companies to try out our products to see for themselves the quality of them! Once you have tried them we are confident that you will see that they are excellent value for money, because of the unique features and also because of our plans for the systems and the special offers we offer on future versions!
Q.2. How can I be sure that your products will meet my requirements? A.2. Simple... try them out to see! We offer a full evaluation of our products (not cut-down or crippled versions of the systems, but the actual systems), FREE OF CHARGE and WITHOUT OBLIGATION, before you buy them. We can arrange for one of our consultants to visit you and demonstrate the systems free of charge, after which you can use the systems fully for an agreed evaluation period to make sure the systems suit your requirements. If you find they don't please do tell us, as we will be continuing to develop the systems further in order to more closely match our customer's requirements!
Q.3. How long have you been producing software products? A.3. CBitSoft Ltd was incorporated in February 2002, however, the company was formed from CBIT Services which was run for 4 years before that time, providing bespoke software services to many customers in several different commercial fields. The person who formed CBIT Services and CBitSoft Ltd, and who now owns the company (Colin Blakemore, our Managing Director), started programming in 1980 and in the 20+ years since that time produced many hundreds of different software systems, including a major Management Information System for a College of Further & Higher Education!
Q.4. Why is your software priced differently at your website compared to other retail outlets? A.4. Our software is cheaper at our website because we don't have to pay commissions to third party companies who sell the software! We can therefore pass this saving on to our customers instead if they buy direct from us!
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How do I create an instance of ShareBlock in code?
Q.S.1. How do I create an instance of ShareBlock in code? A.S.1. The "Name" of the object when creating an instance in code is ShareBlockControl.ShareBlock i.e., the command would be CreateObject("ShareBlockControl.ShareBlock"), the SoftwareName and Password must then be set before using any other properties of the object.
Q.S.2. How do I register ShareBlock using the serial number provided by a third party retailer? (When I log to your site for registration I receive an error that the serial number is wrong) A.S.2. After installing the control onto your system, create a program project and add an instance of the control to a form. This will open a dialog box on which you will find a button entitled "Get Registration Code"; click this button and a form will open for you to enter your company details. In this form, near the bottom, is a field marked "Serial Number". Copy and paste your serial number into this field after entering your company information. Then click the "OK, Take Me to Your Website" button. The program should then connect to our website and return a page with the registration code in it. (You will also receive an e-mail with the registration code details as long as you enter a valid e-mail address). Just close the browser when it returns with the code and the code will be entered automatically for you; you will then see a message saying that the software has been registered successfully. You will also, at this point, have to agree to the "Registered" licence agreement before continuing. If you wish to register the software without creating a project as described above you can do so by running the "ShareBlock User Licence Management" program found on the CBitSoft ShareBlock menu on your Start/Programs menu, then proceed as above to enter company details, etc.
Q.S.3. Why do I get the error message "Invalid Registration Code" when I enter the Registration Code and Registered Name and then click OK to register the software? A.S.3. Are you trying to enter a serial number as the Registration Code? These are two different things. Make sure you have entered the company name correctly and registration code correctly.
Q.S.4. Why do I get an "Invalid Registration Code" message when I generate and enter a registration code to register my program using ShareBlock? A.S.4. When you generate the registration code, make sure that the password used is exactly as entered into the control in your project. Also make sure that the user name is entered into the registration code generator program along with the software code and that these match the data entered into the program (these are all case sensitive). For Example. To register the Demo project supplied do as follows: 1. Note that the password entered
by default is: "ShareBlock Demo Password" You can change this
to anything you like, but make sure the same password is entered into
the registration code generator program (or into the ShareUnblock
control if using the control elsewhere to generate the code). This should register the program successfully.
Q.S.5. We purchased a single user licence for ShareBlock then installed and registered the system. Is it possible to use the same code in another computer should this one crash and have to be replaced? A.S.5. The single user licence is for one development computer, so therefore, according to the agreement you have already accepted, should you have to replace the computer with a different one you would need to purchase a new user licence. However, in practice given the set of circumstances you are referring to, as long as we are satisfied that the request is genuine (and we would require some proof of some sort) we would probably, at our discretion, provide a replacement registration code at a much reduce cost, or possibly even free of charge. This "locking" of a system to a specific computer is a major feature of ShareBlock too; i.e., it prevents anyone from just installing the software on multiple computers using the same registration code and thereby circumventing the licensing agreement. There is also the "Authorisation Code" feature in ShareBlock which will allow the software producer to allow their customers to replace computers on multiple licence installations should similar problems be encountered; but clearly this must be under the control of the software developer to protect their property. Of course, if you are talking about a computer "crashing" in such a way that the operating system requires reinstallation, then there is no problem, because once reinstalled the same registration code would still work on the same computer. The same registration code will always work on that computer, however, there is no way of using the same registration code on more than one computer either simultaneously or otherwise. If you are worried about the possibility of not being able to use the system because of a crash on one computer until it is sorted out, then it may be wise to consider buying a second user licence and installing on a second computer as a back up. Contact us about this as we may be able to offer a special price for upgrading your user licence for this purpose.
Q.S.6. I registered ShareBlock.ocx and ShareUnblock.ocx "using regsvr32 c:\wherever\shareblock.ocx" but it didn't work as it was expected. I received a message in Internet Explorer browser that ActiveX component couldn't create the object. Why is this? A.S.6. It sounds likely that either the control has not been installed and registered correctly, try uninstalling and reinstalling the software, or the VB licence information may not have been registered in the registry (see Q.S.7. Below).
Q.S.7. Using the ShareBlock control on a web application I received the message in Internet Explorer "Class is not licensed to use". What does this mean? A.S.7. This problem is most likely to be caused by missing licence information in the registry. Check to see if the following key and value is present and correct: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses\1A794DB8-DF51-11D5-9FDB-00105AF9D6B8 = ofifgfsmsfhfifsfsgkmlmkfrgulkmmmsmng, If this key is missing or incorrect it should be added or corrected. ShareBlock will not work without this licence key being present.
Why does a login box appear when I select the option for a Case Family
system from one of the other programs, (e.g., selecting
"Quotations" from the "File" menu from within
CaseMan, etc.). I have already logged in, why am I being asked to log in
Q.C.1. Why does a login box appear when I select the option for a Case Family system from one of the other programs, (e.g., selecting "Quotations" from the "File" menu from within CaseMan, etc.). I have already logged in, why am I being asked to log in again? A.C.1. Either you are logging into to the first one using the Admin account, or you are not added to the second system with the same user name and password. To enable "Automatic" logging from one part of the system to the other your user name and password for each part must be identical.
A.C.2. The "Tracking" is how the system checks and informs the user about what needs to be done and also carries out actions such as producing letters and e-mails, etc., automatically. When any changes are made to anything in the system which could mean that new actions could have become due, the system prompts to check for these. The system prompts automatically when the system is first run each day (or in the morning if it is left running over night), however, it can also be run manually at any time during the day to pick up any urgent actions which became due as a result of updates to the system. To make sure that these are not missed the system prompts automatically. Responding with "Yes" to the prompt will either result in actions being carried out, or the system reporting that no actions are due.
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